Sunday, March 26, 2006


In the true tradition of our batch(our department at least) another Ode to Jude.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


It is fitting indeed that my first post should appear on Women's day dedicated to these beings of transcendental ability. I have often said to myself, “If he can do it, sure can I…. If she can do it, can I?”

I firmly believe that our batch has had some of the most amazing women in college; at least this is true when only considering the science section. I suppose most guys will agree with me. However they should also agree that in a setting such as the Xavier’s community a day such as 'Men’s Day' should also be observed considering the sex ratio.

I looked up the net to see if there exists any such day at all. When I typed in ‘Men’s day’ in Google I expected it to return something like:

Did you mean: women's day
No standard web pages containing all your search terms were found.

Your search - Men's day - did not match any documents.

Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.


However Google is not as dumb as Microsoft and I learned that it is observed only in Trinidad and Tobago on November 19. Well, I guess that with the pace with which women are making headway, soon there may not be a need for Women’s day too.

God is the greatest artist,
And the Woman, his finest creation.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Exam Fever!

I'm sure most people are running their engines on full steam, already, and yet, there will be many like me, who are still struggling (some, maybe not) to get there. Well, as the days close in on us poor T.Y Students, the mercury sure is rising. I see even the number of posts on the blog seem to decrease.

For those of us that are particularly charged up, all I'm going to say is, "Go for it! Burn the midnight oil".
But for those of us who lack inspiration, if for nothing else, then just do it (study, of course) to try and live up to those pictures we got taken in Graduation hats and robes!

Good Luck!!
Bonne chance !!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Countdown To The Exams!!

Whole Days Remainig Till First Paper: 0
Whole Weeks Till First Paper: 0

That's all folks!